Sunday, August 14, 2011

Motivation Learning

Motivation Learning - Motivation comes from the word "motive" is defined as "the driving force that has become active" (Sardiman, 2001: 71). Others also said that the motivation is "a state in the one who encouraged her to perform activities to achieve goals" (Suharto et al, 2003: 110) Motivation Learning

In the book of psychology education Drs. M. Dalyono explained that "motivation is the driving force / driving force to do any work, which can come from within and from outside" (Dalyono, 2005: 55).  Motivation Learning

In his book Ngalim Purwanto, Sartain said that motivation is a complex statement in an organism that directs behavior toward a goal (goal) or incentive (incentive). The goal is to limit / define the behavior of the organism (Ngalim Purwanto, 2007: 61).

Thus the motivation in the process of learning is needed for the acceleration in achieving the objectives of education and learning in particular.

Learning in its broadest sense can be defined as a process that allows the emergence or change of a behavior as a result of the formation of the primary response, with a loaded that changes or the emergence of new behavior is not caused by maturity or by a change in a while by something (Nasution, et al: 1992: 3).

Learning is a process yamg characterized by a change in a person. Changes in a person can be shown in various forms such as changes in knowledge, understanding, attitudes and behaviors, skills and abilities, reaction time, the acceptance and other aspects that exist in individuals (Sudjana, 2002: 280).

Djamarah argued that learning is "an activity that made ​​a conscious effort to get some impression of the material has been learned" (Djamarah ,1991:19-21).

Meanwhile, according to Slameto learning is "a process undertaken by an individual effort to obtain a new behavior changes as a whole, as a result of the individual's own experiences in interaction with their environment" (Slameto, 2003: 2).

Learning is a conscious effort to get the materials studied and a good change in a person's knowledge, skills, and attitudes and behavior. 
Motivation to learn is something self-contained on the circumstances of an individual where there is an urge to do something in order to achieve the goal.

2. Learning Motivation Types

Speaking about the types and kinds of motivation can be seen from different viewpoints. Sardiman say that motivation varies as follows:
1. Motivation seen from the bottom of its formation
  • These motifs are motifs innate inborn
  • These motifs are studied means motive arising studied.

2. Motivation according pembagiaan of Woodworth and marquis in Sardiman: Motivation Learning
  • Organismisalnya motives or needs, the needs of drinking, eating, breathing, sexual, and others.
  • Motof-emergency motive for example, to save himself, the urge to retaliate, and so on.
  • Objective motives

3. Physical and spiritual motivation
  • Physical motivation, like, relax, automatic instinct, breath and so on.
  • Spiritual motivation, such as willingness or interest.

4. Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
  • Motivation instrisik are motifs that occur on or functioning unnecessary diransang from the outside, because in every single existing drive to do something.
  • Extrinsic motivation is motives are active and functioning because of peransang from the outside. (Sardiman, 1996: 90).

Another opinion suggests that the two types of motivation are as follows: 
"The primary motivation is motivation that is based on the basic motives. Secondary motivation, it is learned "(Dimyanti and Mudjiono, 1999:88).

The existence of various types of motivation at the top, giving an overview of the motifs that exist in each individual. The motivation of subjects related to the Arabic language is extrinsic motivation, where motivation is needed stimulation or encouragement from the outside, for example, the media, both visual media, audio, and audio visual as well as books that can give rise to and provide inspiration and stimulation in learning.

The form of motivation is often done in school is to give figures, gifts, praise, body movements, giving assignments, give tests, knowing the result, and punishment. (Djmarah and Zain, 2002: 168). From the above quotation, the author describes this as follows: Motivation Learning

a) Give the numbers 
Provide a number (value) means it is as a symbol of the activities of students. In giving a number (value), all students get the results varied activities. Giving figures to the students is expected to provide a motivation so the results can be further enhanced.

b) Gifts 
The point is a gift of memories to the students who excel. This gift will be able to add or improve morale (motivation) to learn the students because it will be considered as an invaluable appreciation for the students .

c) Compliment 
Giving praise to the work of students is something that is expected by every individual. The existence of praise means the existence of an attention given to the students, so the competitive spirit of students to learn to be high.

d) Movement of the body 
Means to mimic the body movements, severe, face, hand gestures, head movements, which makes an attention to the lessons delivered by teachers . Gestures while giving a response from the students means students in listening to the subject matter easier and easier.

e) Provide task 
The task is a job that demands to be resolved. Giving the task to students will provide an impetus and motivation to the students to pay attention to all the content being delivered.

f) Provide repetition 
Deuteronomy is the strategy most important to test the learning outcomes and also provide motivation for students to repeat lessons that have been delivered and given by the teacher .

g) Knowing the results 
Curiosity of students to the unknown is a trait that exist in every human being. In this case the students are entitled to know the results of the work he did.

h) Penalties 
In the process of teaching and learning, giving sanctions to students who make mistakes are things that must be done to attract and enhance students' attention. For example, provide questions to the students concerned. 

3. Factors Affecting Motivation Learning 

In learning activities, an individual needs a push or motivation, so anything desired can be achieved, in this case there are several factors that affect learning include: 

1. Individual factors 
Such as maturity or growth, intelligence, training, motivation, and personal factors. 

2. Social factors 
Like; keluaga or household circumstances, teachers and teach, a tool- a tool in learning , and social motivation (Purwanto, 2002: 102) 

In another opinion, another factor that can affect learning namely:  Motivation Learning

a) factors internal 

1. Physical factors 
  • Health factors
  • Disability factor

2. Factors fhsikologis 
  • Intelligence
  • Interest and motivation
  • Attention and talent
  • Maturity and readiness

3. Factors fatigue 
  • Physical fatigue
  • Spiritual Fatigue

b) External Factors 
1. Factor family 
  • The way parents educate
  • The relation between family members
  • HomelikeState building and learning method

2. School factors 
  • Teaching methods and curriculum
  • Relationships of teachers and students
  • School Discipline
  • Teaching tools and school time
  • State buildings and methods of learning
  • Standard lesson on the size and housework

3. Factors masyaraka 
  • Students in community activities
  • Mass media and friends hang out
  • Forms of community life (Slameto, 1997: 71)

The existence of various factors that affect the learning of students above, researchers can understand that the presence of these factors can give a clarity about the learning process that is understood by students. Thus a teacher must truly understand and pay attention to the existence of these factors on students, so that in providing and implementing the process learning to teach should pay attention to these factors, both from the psychological, in other words environmental and internal factors ekstren. 

Related to the above, then Dimyanti and Mudjiono suggests that the factors that influence motivation to learn among other things: 
  1. Ideals / aspirations of students 
  2. Student's ability 
  3. Students and environmental conditions 
  4. Dynamic elements in the learning 
  5. The efforts of teachers in membelajarkan students. (Dimyati and Mudjiono, 1999: 100) 

The explanation of these factors are: 

1. Ideals / aspirations 
Ideals is a word embedded in the psyche of an individual. Ideals is the delusion that exist in the imagination of an individual, where such ideals can be achieved will provide a distinct possibility of the individual. The existence of ideals is also accompanied by the development and growth of individual keperibadian that will lead to greater motivation to achieve goals or desired activities. Motivation Learning

2. Student's ability 
Abilities and skills of each individual will strengthen the motivation. ability in question is the ability to read, understand, so incentives exist at the individual would be higher. 

3. Students and environmental conditions 
Kondisis Siwa is a spiritual and physical condition. If the condition is stable and healthy then it will increase student motivation and achievement will increase. Likewise with the environmental conditions of the student (family and community) support, then the motivation must be there and will not disappear. 

4. Dynamic elements and teaching 
Dynamic means that an individual can adjust to the surroundings, a place where an individual will gain experience. 

5. The efforts of teachers in teaching students 
The teacher is a figure admired and yangt man has an important role in the world of education . A teacher is required for professional and skilled. 
In an activity or work performed are not independent of the function and usability. Motivation in learning which is an impulse function, which is suggested by the experts, namely: 
  • Encourage men to do or act. Motif to function as an activator or as a driving force of energy release.
  • Determine the direction of the act is a destination guide to be achieved
  • Complete the actions that determine what actions will be done ynag harmoniously to achieve the goal by setting aside the deeds that are not useful for that purpose. (Purwanto, 2002: 70).

Besides, there are also other functions of motivation that is "as the driving motivation is effort and achievement" (Sardiman, 2001: 83). It is clear that the function of motivation it provides a value or itensitas separate from a student to improve learning motivation and academic achievement 

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