Sunday, August 14, 2011

Motivation Definition

Motivation Definition - Motif derived from the Latin 'movere' which means moving or English 'to move'. Motive is defined as the power contained within the individual is encouraged to do (driving force). Motives also helps us make predictions about behavior. If we conclude from the example of the behavior of a person's motives, and if our conclusions were correct, we are in a good position to make predictions about what people will do in the future. Motivation Definition

Someone who has a strong urge to hurt others, will show the cruelty in many different situations, someone who tends to have a motive to find a friend's friend in many situations. So, when the motive is not to tell us what really happened, they give us an idea / ideas on a series of things that want to be somebody. Someone with a need for achievement will work hard in school, in business, in the game, and in many situations. Motif is a common condition that allows us to predict behavior in many different situations. Motivation Definition

The motive does not stand alone, but interrelated with other factors-factors, both external factors (such as for example, students who study hard in order to quickly pass with a good GPA), as well as internal factors (such as, hungry want to eat, thirst wanted drinking). It shows that the behavior was encouraged and directed to the destination. Usually individuals who demonstrate behavior that intends to achieve a goal are usually inclined to settle. A term that refers to the forces that drive and direct the success of behavior that remain toward a particular goal called "motivation". 

According Walgito, motivation is a state within the individual or the organisms that drive behavior toward the goal. According to the motivation walgito contains 3 (three) aspects, namely: Motivation Definition
  • Circumstances that encourage and readiness to move within the individual arising out of bodily needs, environmental conditions, and mental state. 
  • And purposeful behavior arises because of the situation. 
  • Goals and objectives pursued by such behavior. 

Meanwhile, according to Plotnik, motivation refers to a variety of physiological and psychological factors that cause a person to perform activities in a specific way at any given time. A person who is motivated to show 3 (three) cirri as follows: 
  1. You are encouraged to do or perform something of activities. 
  2. You are directing your energy to achieve a certain goal. 
  3. You have the intensity of the different feelings about the achievement of that goal. 

B. THEORY OF MOTIVATION | Motivation Definition

Motivation theory seeks to provide a set of principles to provide guidance to our understanding of impulse, desire, need, effort, and purpose that comes from motivation. 

a. Drive Theory 
Drive theory could be described as "theories of motivation encouragement", the behavior is driven toward the goal by the circumstances that drive in a person or animal. In general theory of the drive said the following, "when a kedaaan internal drive appears, individuals are encouraged to arrange them in behavior that will lead to the goal of reducing the intensity of the circumstances that drive, the man can achieve an adequate incentive to reduce the state if they can be fun or satisfying . 

b. Incentive Theories 
Incentive theory is precisely the opposite of the theory of drive theory, the theory of incentives is the "impetus theory" about motivation, because certain cirri cirri-owned, the object purpose of encouraging the behavior toward that goal. Objects goals that motivate behavior are known as incentive. One important part of many incentive theory is that individuals expect the pleasure of the achievement of what they call positive incentives and the sensing of the so-called negative incentives. The basic idea behind the theory of incentive motivation is that the stimulus cirri of purpose can sometimes trigger a behavioral motivation. 

c. Opponent process theory 
The basis of this theory is the observation that many of the state of emotions followed by the state to the contrary or opposite. This theory provides a way of thinking about the basis of some of the motifs are studied. As an example, a heroin addict needs a drug needs to maintain a state that is not fun when it stops. Can be concluded that some people require a need for sensation to gain experience after the danger passes. 

d. The theory of optimal level 
This theory might be called "just right theory" (theory is fine). Individuals are motivated to behave in a manner to achieve the level of drive (arousal) is optimal. That is, if the urge is too low, someone will be looking for situations or stimuli that increase the urge, but if you push it too high will be directed toward behavioral decline will get a boost so that the optimal level results. 

C. MOTIVES AS inference, explanation, predictors | Motivation Definition

a. Motif as Inference 
Motive can not be observed directly, but can not be known or inferred (inferenced) of behavior. Motives a person can be known from what is said and what it does. We do not have to be aware of our motives, other people can deduce about our motives even if we do not realize it. Such behavior can be driven by an unconscious motivation (unconscious motivation), which is a central concept in psychoanalytic theory. 

b. Motives as explanatory 
Motif can also serve as a tool to make an explanation (explanation) of behavior. Most of the explanations we give every day to do with motivation. People who know the motivation can explain why you behave a certain way. Because of the personality and clinical psychologists to give so much pressure on motivation. 

c. Motives as Predictors 
Motif also serves to help make predictions about behavior. If one can conclude with a person's true motives so he can predict his behavior in the future. 


a. Biological Motivation 
Broadly biological motivation is rooted in physiological from the body. The situation posed by the loss of biological motives and behavior in the balance of motivation is driven by an unbalanced hemeostatis help restore a balanced condition. 

• Motivation Hunger 
biological processes that sustain life get their energy from food and chemical substances. Thus, it is understandable that hunger is a primary motive for the process necessary for life. Sources of motivation are hungry is a contract the abdominal muscles into signals for feeling hungry and also is part of the hypothalamus of the brain that are critically involved in motivation and hunger in a number of other biological motifs. Motivation hungry and eating is activated not only by the factor-internal factors alone, signs dab the delicious smell of food can lead even though there is no state's internal needs. 

• Motivation Haus Motivation Definition
Factor-factor stimulus plays a huge role in initiating drinking. The body has a set of internal hemeostatis a complex process to set the level of the liquid and drinking behavior. Water levels in the body is maintained by physiological events in some of hormone antidiuretic hormone (ADH), which regulates the removal of water through the kidneys. Cellular dehydration and hypovolemia contribute to thirst and to drink called double-depletion hypothesis. How does it work the second mechanism that would produce sweat, the body loses water, osmoreceptors (inside / front of the hypothalamus that generate nerve impulses when dehydrated), and blood volume has decreased. Haus raised and we'll drink to wet cells and restore blood volume to normal levels. 

• Sexual Motivation 
Sexual motivation is social because it involves other people's motivations. Sex in psychology is believed to be an important part of our emotional life, sex can cause intense pleasure, but also can give us suffering in and cause us to engage in a variety of difficult decisions. Sex has characteristics that are strung as part of a biological drive, the first is that sex is not necessary to maintain individual life, except that sex is necessary for the survival of the species. Second, sexual behavior is not caused by a lack of certain substances in the body. Third, at least in higher animals, sexual motivation may be more influenced by sensory information from the environment. Humans who are sexually hormonal ready vibrated by the words of other people, face, style, voice, manner of dress and the fragrance of others. In other words most sexual behavior activated by stimuli that act as intensive or amplifier. 

b. Social Motives Motivation Definition
Social motive is a complex state of motive, or complex needs, which is the source of many human actions. Called social because it studied in groups and usually involve other people. Mc Clelland Menurt there are 3 (three) types of social motives, namely: 

• The need for Achievement 
This requirement is a learned social motives in detail. People who have this need'll develop their performance, and thus will look capability achievement motivation. Studies show that people who have a high n-achievement, will have better performance than those who n-achievment low. Thus dpat said that to predict the performance of a person's need to know first n-achievementnya. 

• Needs Berfaliasi 
Affiliation indicates that a person has a need to relate to others. People who are strong need for affiliation will always find friends, and trying to maintain a relationship that has been fostered with the other person. Conversely those who need low afisiasinya reluctant to make friends, and do not tend to foster and maintain relationships with others. 

• Necessity of Power 
This need arises and develops in social interaction. People who have high power needs rather do control, controlling, or ordering others.Motivation Definition

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