Sunday, August 14, 2011

Definition Of Leadership

Definition Of Leadership - In an organization's leadership is a very important factor in determining the achievement of goals set by the organization. Leadership is the central point and the policy makers of the activities to be implemented within the organization. Leadership is an activity to affect the behavior of others so that they would be directed to achieve certain goals (Thoha, 1983:123). Meanwhile, according to Robbins (2002:163) Leadership is the ability to influence a group to achieve goals. Meanwhile, according to Ngalim Purwanto (1991:26) Leadership is a collection of a series of abilities and personality traits, including the authority to serve as a means in order to convince them that leads to willing and able to carry out the tasks assigned to him willingly, eagerly , there is an inner joy, and not feel forced. Definition Of Leadership

From the above understanding of leadership contain some basic elements include: Definition Of Leadership
  1. leadership involves the people and the situation where the leader of the group or organization and its members interact, 
  2. leadership occurs within the distribution of power and influence subordinates by leaders of the process, and 
  3. the existence of a common goal to be achieved. 

From the description above can be concluded that leadership is the ability to influence the behavior of a person or group of people to achieve certain objectives in certain situations. 

Some expert opinions regarding Leadership: 
  1. According to John Piffner, Leadership is an art in coordinating and direct individuals or groups to achieve a desired goal (H. Abu Ahmadi, 1999:124-125) 
  2. Leadership is interpersonal influence, in certain situations and directly through a process of communication to achieve one or several specific goals (Tannebaum, Weschler and Nassarik, 1961, 24). 
  3. Leadership is a process that gives meaning (meaningful leadership) and produced in cooperation with the willingness to take the lead in achieving the goals (Jacobs & Jacques, 1990, 281) 
  4. Leadership is an ability, process, or function in general to influence people to do something in order to achieve certain goals. (Slamet, 2002: 29) 
  5. Leadership is a personal attitude, which led the implementation of activities to achieve the desired goal. (Shared Goal, Hemhiel & Coons, 1957, 7) 
  6. Leadership is a process that affects the group activity is regulated to achieve inter-personal influence, in certain situations and directly through a process of communication to achieve one or several specific goals (Tannebaum, Weschler and Nassarik, 1961, 29) 
  7. Leadership is an activity to affect the behavior of others so that they would be directed to achieve certain goals (Thoha, 1983:123). 
  8. Leadership is a collection of a series of abilities and personality traits, including the authority, to serve as a means in order to ensure they lead so that they are willing and able to carry out the tasks assigned to him willingly, eagerly, no inner joy, and feel forced. (Ngalim Purwanto, 1991:26) 

From the description above can be concluded that leadership is the ability to influence the behavior Aeseorang or group of people for accomplishing certain purposes in certain situations. Leadership is a social problem in which there is interaction between the parties led by the party that led to achieve common goals, either by way mempengafuhi, persuade, motivate and coordinate. From here it is understood that the task utatna a leader in running his leadership is not just limited to its ability to implement programs, but more than that the leader must mempu involving all levels of its organization, its members or citizens to participate actively so that they can contribute posetif accomplish goals. 

  1. Administrative Influence 
  2. Relationships Between Humans 
  3. Communication process and 
  4. Achievement of a goal. 

Fundamental Elements 
The elements that underlie leadership of the definitions set forth above, are: 
  1. Ability to influence others (group / subordinate). 
  2. Ability to direct or motivate the behavior of another person or group. 
  3. There is an element of cooperation to achieve the desired goal. 

Basic Principles of Leadership 
Characteristics of a leader based on the principles (Stephen R. Coney) as follows: 

1. A lifetime of learning: 
Not only through formal education, but also outside school. For example, beJajar through reading, writing, observation, and listening. Having experience both good and bad as a learning resource. 

2. Service-oriented: 
A leader is not served but to serve, because pemimpjn principle with the principle of serving on a career as a primary goal. In providing services, should have been more principled leader on good service. 

3. Bring a positive energy: 
Every person has the energy and spirit. Using the positive energy that is based on sincerity and desire to support the success of others. That requires a positive energy to build rapport. A leader has to be able and willing to work for long periods of time and condition was not specified. Therefore, a leader Haras can show a positive energy, such as; 
  • Believe in others:
 A leader to trust others, including subordinate staff, so they have the motivation and maintain good job. Therefore, trust must be followed by concern.

  • Balance in life: 
A leader can balance their duties Haras. Oriented to the principles of humanity and self balance between work and exercise, rest and recreation. The balance also means balance between worldly life and hereafter.

  • Seeing life as a challenge: 
The word 'challenge' is often interpreted negatively. In this case the challenge is the ability to enjoy life and all its consequences. Because life is a challenge that needed to have a sense of security that comes from within yourself. Sense of security depends on the initiative, skill, creativity, willpower, courage, dynamic and freedom.

  • Synergy:
a principled person always lives in a synergy and a catalyst for change, they always overcome his own weaknesses and others. Synergy is group work and benefit both parties. According to The New Brolier Webster International Dictionary, synergy is a working group, which gives the results more effective than working individually. A leader must be able bersinergis with everyone, superiors, staff, coworkers.

  • Exercises to develop yourself:
 A leader must be able to renew themselves in order to achieve high success. So he is not only a process-oriented. Process in developing themselves consist of several components that relate to:
  1. understanding the material; 
  2. expand the material through learning and experience; 
  3. teach the material to others; 
  4. apply the principles; 
  5. monitoring results; 
  6. reflect the results; 
  7. adding new knowledge necessary materials; 
  8. a new understanding, and 
  9. back to being myself again.  Definition Of Leadership
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